HOA president duties and responsibilities

Monday March 20, 2023

HOA president dutiesWhat is an HOA board?

The HOA board is the foundation of an active residential community. At its core lies four essential officer positions - president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer – each playing a crucial role in facilitating daily operations. Almost every residential community must have a board of directors comprised of current homeowners.

What is an HOA president?

Regarding authority and oversight over HOA matters, the board president plays a crucial role in ensuring everything runs smoothly. This individual requires an impressive range of skills as they act on behalf of their neighbors, crafting essential rules to keep order amongst residents and overseeing maintenance activities, and much more. Yet often, there needs to be more clarity among homeowners about the HOA president duties and what they can and cannot do.

What are common HOA president duties?

There are standard expectations from an HOA board president; however, the responsibilities can vary by community based on location, size, and resident demographic. But for the most part, the most common HOA president duties are the following:
  • Facilitate board meetings

    Most boards must hold at least one meeting a year, often known as the “annual election meeting.” Sometimes, board meetings can be held more frequently to discuss pertinent association information, projects, and property improvements. The board president is responsible for scheduling and guiding all board meetings by reviewing the agenda items with homeowners and leading the discussion. Additionally, they should be prepared to respond quickly and accurately to any questions during the meeting.
  • Sign association documents

    Part of the duties of an HOA president is signing association documents on behalf of the HOA. These documents can include annual operating budgets and amendments to bylaws. When signing official HOA documents, board presidents should consult with legal counsel regarding the necessary steps required to satisfy all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Uphold association governing documents

    The board president is typically responsible for creating fair policies and enforcing those already in place so that every homeowner benefits from a harmonious living situation. Working closely with the remaining members of the Board, it is their job to ensure critical decisions are being made efficiently and fairly. This requires them to be well informed on the various documents that govern association life, such as covenants, bylaws, and rules & regulations.
  • Create meeting agendas

    The creation of meeting agendas is a vital role of HOA board presidents. Through the agenda, they effectively plan and organize what will be discussed during the board meeting and ensure that all necessary matters are addressed. A practical agenda should outline the topics to be addressed, including supporting documents, and provide a space for comments, votes, and additional information about the next steps. With a clear understanding of what needs to be accomplished beforehand, board members can focus on discussing and voting on important issues efficiently.
  • Call for votes and share results

    HOA board presidents have the critical responsibility of acting on behalf of all homeowners in their association. This includes calling for votes during board meetings when implementing new rules or selecting board members. The board president must then tally the votes and share the results with the homeowner association. This process is crucial to HOAs behaving democratically and ensuring that all members have a say in decision-making. It also provides that homeowners take ownership of any changes enacted by the board and are thus able to effectively hold them accountable.
  • Appoint committees

    It is often necessary to appoint committees for various purposes. Many times, they are crucial for accomplishing big projects that the board itself does not have time to do on its own. Committees provide insight and advice on various topics, such as budgeting and election oversight; they help ensure that decisions are made in the best interests of all residents. Ultimately, it is up to board presidents to decide whether committee members can have voting rights or if they serve solely in an advisory capacity. The decisions of who should be on the committee must be made carefully by the board president to ensure a good mixture of skills, knowledge, and attitudes on the committee.

What are the benefits of being an HOA president?

Serving as the president of a homeowner’s association (HOA) can be rewarding, offering those who accept it many valuable benefits. When leading an HOA, presidents can enact positive changes in their communities and use their managerial skills to conduct meetings and resolve disputes between residents. The ability to manage budgets and approve projects for development can be thrilling for some, allowing them to shape their neighborhoods for the better. Presidents often participate in rewarding events culminating in successful resolutions or well-attended social gatherings that strengthen interpersonal relationships in the community. Finally, being an HOA president gives members a chance to advocate for their neighbors and fight against injustices they may face. While it takes dedication and hard work, being an HOA president allows individuals to make real changes in their local community.

Do HOA presidents make money?

With HOA president duties ranging from resolving community disputes to overseeing maintenance and other activities, those in leadership positions must uphold their fiduciary responsibilities with integrity. Being the president of a homeowners’ association is often an unpaid commitment, as financial compensation can be seen as a conflict of interest. This is why many HOAs have bylaws restricting any form of payment for board members and presidents. If you're thinking about running your HOA's board or already serving, research any compensation restrictions within your bylaws to determine whether taking a position of authority would be worth pursuing.

How do I become an HOA president?

If you are curious about how to get on your community board as the HOA president, there are a few steps you have to follow:
  1. Meet all eligibility requirements

    Most community bylaws will include criteria that an individual must meet to run for the board of directors. The main one is that you must be a homeowner in the community, and occasionally, it is required that you also reside in the property during your tenure. Additionally, you may be asked to have been an HOA member in good standing for at least one year prior to running. This means having no past-due balances on any maintenance charges.
  2. Submit your request for candidacy

    Once you are eligible, you must submit a request for candidacy to the management office. This can include a letter of intent explaining your interest in running for the board and your qualifications. The management team then compiles your statement with the annual meeting notice so homeowners are aware of all available candidates.
  3. Be elected by the HOA

    Last but not least, you need to be elected by the HOA to become a member of the board, which will be conducted during the association’s annual board meeting. Once you have secured the sufficient number of votes, congratulations, you are now the board president of your community!
Serving in your community as the board president can be challenging; however, creating positive change in your community is one of the upsides. For more information on how FirstService Residential supports our board presidents and communities, click here.
Monday March 20, 2023